Mission Statement

Our Mission:

Our mission is to enable our students to achieve their full potential through our delivery of exceptional English-language training in a respectful and supportive environment.

Our Core Values:

ECLC’s core values can be summed up by the word ASPIRE:

Our Philosophy:

Our belief is that sound relationships are the key to the success of any institution. Our aim is therefore to focus on the concerns of the individuals and groups listed below:

  • our students, to ensure they meet their diverse linguistic (whether social, business, or academic) goals

  • our qualified teaching and admissions staff, to ensure they enjoy their working environment and therefore have maximum job satisfaction and dedication

  • our students’ agents, sponsors, and families, to ensure they are completely satisfied with their decision to place students in our school

  • our university partners and our students’ future employers/contacts, to ensure our outstanding student results are well accepted and well respected